Wellness routines with pro squash player, Bruna Marchesi Petrillo

The Vitl Nutrition Team / 12 Nov 2019

We interview Brazilian/Italian professional squash player Bruna Marchesi Petrillo to learn more about her wellness routines. Bruna is currently based in London and touring on the Professional Squash Tour.


Q: What does your morning routine look like? 

A: I drink an essential oil called ZenGest pretty much as soon as I get out of bed. I then have a black coffee and breakfast (I am currently eating tapioca or crepioca every morning, which is a Brazilian cassava-based flake that you can cook to make a sort of crepe). I then drink my supplements and vitamins (Vitl Personalised Pack, of course). I also like to read a positive daily message to start my day on a positive note. Then I go for a training session (depends on the day, but most of the time I do gym sessions in the morning)

Q: What is your go-to snack before or after training?

A: Before training, if I am at home, I love bananas with peanut butter and granola/cereal as well as a protein shake with coconut water and fruits. If I am on the go it would be just a banana, rice cakes or a protein bar.

Q: What is your favourite tip for someone looking to start a new sport or fitness routine?

A: Pick something that you enjoy and have fun doing!! Also, take your time and do things at your own pace, you don't have to start at level 1000!

Q: How do you take care of yourself after training?

A: I always do a good stretch to slow down and relax. If I am feeling really sore I love to go to the sauna because it helps me to recover. 

Q: What do you do to keep your diet nutritious?

A: To stay healthy, I keep my diet balanced but I do not set extremely strict rules. Cooking at home is my favourite way to stay on track because that way I know everything that I am eating and I can cook the things I love the most!! 

Q: How do you #self-care?

A: Playing squash professionally has been the biggest self-care act for me emotionally because this is what I love doing. Taking rest days are definitely the best way to #self-care. To unwind after an intense week of training, I usually stay home (very boring but true haha) doing little things that I enjoy like watching movies and videos, eating a treat and spending time with my husband. Another big part of #self-care for me is making sure I am healthy and have all the nutrients I need to keep training hard, Vitl helps me out there!

Q: What is your biggest challenge when it comes to keeping a fitness routine and what do you do to combat it?

A: For me personally, the challenge is the pressure to perform well and to be ready for tournaments. Sometimes the pressure is too much and it is hard to keep up. I try to always remember that this is what I love to do and remember how far I have come from where I began. I also set short term goals because it is a great way to keep motivated even when it is tough.

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