Your Genes: glycolytic capacity

The Vitl Nutrition Team / 29 Nov 2019

Combining frequent and consistent exercise with a balanced diet and sufficient rest are all of great importance when it comes to athletic performance, but genes also play a role.


Genetics can not only provide insights into how you’re likely to store fat and build muscle (also known as your ‘body composition’), but they can also indicate how the body works with glucose and fat stores to fuel physical activity, which can give further insight into how to tailor your routine to the advantage of your natural athletic capability. 

What is glycolytic capacity?

Glycolysis is the breakdown of glucose molecules, so your glycolytic capacity refers to how quickly the body is able to break down glucose molecules for muscles to use as energy 1.
By testing a certain SNP that is associated with slow/fast-twitch muscle fibres, you are able to understand whether you are better suited for endurance or strength training. 

Your DNA

You can learn from your individual genetics whether you are likely to have normal, moderately high, slightly higher or high glycolytic capacity which translates to your predisposition to having more (or less) fast and slow twitch muscle fibres. This means you are more likely to respond better to either endurance or strength training.

The rate at which glycogen is converted into glucose is dependent on both your genetics 2 and lifestyle. 
At Vitl, we aim to end the confusion with our DNA Nutrition Test and finally help you understand your body’s genetic relationship with exercise. There are also lifestyle factors that can have an impact on glycolytic capacity include fasting, intake of dietary carbohydrates and type of exercise 3. Find out whether an endurance or strength training is better suited for you and take advantage of our Black Friday deal.

Scientific publications:


