5 new nutrition studies every woman should know about |VITL

The Vitl Nutrition Team / 8 Mar 2018

Science has traditionally underrepresented women in studies and trials but now researchers are trying to correct that imbalance. Here are 5 findings from the past year, focusing solely on female health.


Science has traditionally underrepresented women, using many more male subjects than females in both animal studies and human clinical trials (some 5.5 male animal models are used for every female in neuroscience, for example). But now, researchers are trying to correct the balance with more female-focused studies. 

Here’s a roundup of some of the most interesting findings concerning female health from nutritional studies over the past year.

1. Despite what you may have believed growing up, it turns out women may actually be more naturally fit than men. The study, conducted at the University of Waterloo, showed that women can process oxygen more quickly than men when they start to exercise, which, according to the leading professor, “indicates, scientifically speaking, a superior aerobic system".

2. For overweight women, the paleo diet is most likely your best bet if you want to lose weight. According to a new study, from the Umea University, Sweden, overweight women after menopause who eat a Paleolithic diet are more able to maintain weight loss in the long term and reduce their risk of developing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

3. According to a recent epidemiological study of over 116,000 women, long-term, high intake of vegetable protein may protect women from early menopause and could prolong reproductive function. Foods high in vegetable protein include whole grains, soy and tofu. 

4. If you’re receiving IVF treatment or preparing to start, the Mediterranean diet may help you achieve a successful pregnancy. New research has found that women who followed the diet for 6 months before receiving IVF have a 65-68% greater likelihood of becoming pregnant and giving birth to a live baby than women who did not.

5. According to new research, your waistline could be what’s causing your anxiety. The disorder is more likely to affect middle-aged women and has many complex contributing factors, including, as the study of over 5500 women now demonstrates, abdominal fat.



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