Easy and delicious pesto eggs recipe

The Vitl Nutrition Team / 15 Jun 2021

A quick, easy and nutritiously delicious pesto egg recipe which has taken the internet by storm.


A few tips to up your pesto eggs game: 

  • Make homemade fresh pesto instead of using store bought pesto, see below for a pesto recipe
  • Swap out the ricotta for mozzarella or feta 
  • No honey? No problem, just skip this part
  • Don't like fried eggs? Try scrambled instead


2 tbsp. pesto 

2 medium eggs

1 avocado, thinly sliced

2 slices of bread, we recommend sourdough 

1 tbsp. of ricotta (or cheese of choice)

1 tsp. runny honey

A pinch of chilli flakes 


1. In a non-stick frying pan over medium heat, add your pesto and cook for a minute or so until the pesto is warm, almost shimmering and you can see the oil in the pesto separate slightly. 

2. Add your eggs, pop a lid on and cook for 3 minutes. 

3. Meanwhile, toast your sourdough, and spread the ricotta over each slice, followed by sliced avocado. 

4. When the eggs are cooked to your desired doneness, remove from the pan and add to the sourdough. 

5. Drizzle over honey and season with pepper and chilli flakes. 

Pesto Eggs - a few key benefits and a recipe for homemade pesto: 

  • Eggs are super versatile and are an excellent source of protein and fat-soluble vitamins (A, D & E) 
  • Pesto is made using 4 wholesome ingredient that also bring a host of benefits; 

1. Basil contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory polyphenols which support the function of our cells

2. Olive oil (try to opt for extra virgin olive oil) is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants which helps to fight free radicals. Free radicals are by-products of normal metabolic processes within the body. 

3. Pine nuts are a great source of protein and healthy fats as well as vitamin E which supports your skin health. 

4. Garlic, a potent anti-inflammatory onion, known to improve blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure. 

Not yet over the viral Baked Feta Pasta? Here's our recipe.